TacPro TacPro® 450 Epoxy Adhesive Twin-Cartridge (450ml)

An especially formulated two-part epoxy, developed specifically for TacPro tactiles. Sufficient to install 1.5 lineal metres (LM = 1.0 x 0.6m).
- TacPro® Epoxy 450 is a revolutionary breakthrough in bonding technology.
- Designed to work with our Rapid-Shot Injection gluing system.
- It will permanently bond studs to almost any solid substrate; concrete, asphalt, marble, ceramic, stone, glass, stainless steel and most plastics in a wide range of weather conditions.
- It can be applied to damp surfaces, (unlike single pack and moisture cured adhesives) and in temperatures ranging from -05C to 50C. (See Technical).
- Considered without peer, it delivers unequalled performance in bonding strength, substrate versatility and durability.
- Guaranteed not to break or let go even under the most extreme temperature and climatic conditions.
- Available in two pack sizes: 450ml (installs up to 1.5LM x 600mm) and 900ml (installs up to 3.0LM x 600mm) with matching dispensing guns, injectors and auto mixers available separately. (See Epoxy Gun Range).
- TacPro® Epoxy Adhesive is a proprietary formulation developed by Mobility Research Centre and produced exclusively for the installation of TGSI's. (See Technical).
- Completely contained gluing system. No mixing! No mess! No waste!
- Packed as a twin 450ml unit sufficient to install 1.5LM.
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All TacPro products are professional tools and solutions that you can rely on
Specifying TacPro™ Tactile Indicators assure peace of mind. We are the most experienced tactile provider in Australasia. Our products have been locally developed and are manufactured to exacting standards for the harsh South Pacific climate and exhibit superior colour fastness, strength and resistance to hydrolysis, microbial and UV attack.